Widget Gets Destroyed After Re Starting Unreal

Hello Epic

I am not %100 sure if this is a bug, but I have made many tests and this is the result I have come at. I may be wrong though.

First of all, I created a user widget and added that widget to my main menu widget. Everything seemed fine and working at this moment. I thought everything is ok, I closed unreal and pushed my changes to repo.

After a while I came back to check if there are any bugs existing. I pressed my main menu button and options widget should have become visible, but it didn’t. So I assumed it is related to something about my code. I tested many things thinking that this is an issue with my code. But to no avail…

Then I decided to recreate my options and main menu widgets. Did so and again the same problem. Then at this moment I realized the problem. Please check the image below.

Do you see, its inside is empty! This has happened every time I restarted Unreal, hence why I think this is a bug. I would fix it, but when I restart Unreal same thing over again.

Here is my log after fixing and reopening:

What catched my attention is this line:
Line 280: [2017.01.22-19.52.48:620][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object ‘Class None.’

Here is my options widget when added to main menu:

Here is options widget itself:

Situation Update:

Recreating the widgets from scratch didn’t work. Carrying the project to a new one didn’t work.

My new theory and focus is: The name BP_MainMenu or BP_Options has some problem with itself?

Situation update:

Got rid of both options and man menu widgets…

Planning on to create two new widgets with very different names.

This here is sort of an answer, but it is not absolute!

First of all, recreating the widget the same name didn’t helped. Carrying them over to a new project didn’t helped. Recreating them by changing appending numbers to them didn’t helped.

What helped was: I deleted these two widgets respectively: Closed unreal and restarted it. Then created two widgets named Zeus(for main menu) and Sceptre(for options). After adding and testing many things, no problems seems to exist yet. I will keep making some more tests to see if I can spot the problem.

For now this method helped me.


Dear Epic

This problem occurs when a user created widget has a named slot and that named slot is child of a scroll box. After you use that user created widget in somewhere else and add a user created child widget to that named slot the problem occurs.

In my case:

I had a BP_MainMenu, BP_Options, BP_TabScrollTop. BP_TabScrollTop had a named slot that was the child of a scroll box(Once this is done, even if you get rid of the scroll box the problem continues).

After this I added BP_TabScrollTop to BP_Options and BP_Options to BP_MainMenu. When clicked options button, BP_Options would become visible(everything is fine at this point). Then add any user created widget inside the named slot of BP_TabScrollTop which is added to BP_Options. Again things will work just fine. But when you close and reopen unreal, BP_Options widget will no longer be visible, not just that, it will get destroyed only to leave behind its reference(Please look at the pics I provided at first message).


Here I added the specific UI that caused me all this problem. Try it out in a new project to confirm this problem.

As to why this happens, I am not sure, to me it seems like a limitation of named slot added together with a scroll box causes problems.

I hope this will be reported by an epic staff. I am willing to give any information necessery. Thanks in advance.

Ahem, the one below is the actual final answer. I can’t change the answer. Please refer to below final word.