Teleporting to specified location on key press

Hi, I’m fairly new to blueprinting in UE4. I’d like to make it so that in my game, when the player presses a button it opens the start level and teleports them to a specified location. The blueprint I’ve made almost works, but the player is taken to the Player Start object instead of the co-ordinates I’ve entered.

How could I get it to teleport the player to where I want it to? Thanks!

It does not work behind OpenLevel. Because,Level movement occurs when OpenLevel is executed.

So SetActorLocation should be executed in somewhere Beginplay (ex.LevelBlueprint of stairhouse_new) !

Thanks for your help! This made it so that the reset button always takes you to the place I wanted it to. However, now the map doesn’t use the Player Start object when the game starts.

I should have been more specific in my question, but I had this map as the starter map, and when the game starts I want the player to be at point A, but if they press the reset button they are taken to point B. What would be the best way of making it so that the SetActorLocation in the level blueprint is only triggered if they used the reset button, and not when they start the game? Sorry if my wording is unclear.

How about branching using Bool? Bool wants to keep when move from level,so save it in GameInstance.

Blueprint example

Thanks so much for replying, I understand how this would work and I’m sure it will do what I wanted it to, but I’m not sure where this blueprint should go. I’m using the first person template, should the top part go in the FirstPersonCharacter blueprint and the bottom one in the Level blueprint? Also, I’m not sure what the Cast To BP_Test_GameInstance part refers to, I can’t find anything in my project like that. Thanks again.

Where to build it is free, but I think that I will make it as one of Pawn, Character, LevelBluePrint. Or GameMode may be fine.

BP_Test_GameInstance inherited from GameInstance.

When you move the level with OpenLevel, things other than GameInstance are discarded once. So I gave BP_Test_GameInstance a Reset flag.