Box Collision non-uniform scale issue

Hi, while scaling object using box collision ,collision scales wrong.See picture below

Cylinder in the left is the imported mesh using UBX (box) collision without any scales,these two in the middle are the same cylinders with scale values of (3,1,1) and (1,3,1), rightest one is the same cylinder but this time using the same box as UCX (convex) collision and it works correct.
What is the problem with box collision.

Also:the blue wireframe is collision?

Check the pivot of the collision volume vs the pivot of the visible geometry. It seems that scale is applied to each component in its local space rather than the object as a whole.

Thanks for reply. I tried the same thing with an asset where pivots are perfectly the same (just created a cylinder and a cube in center of scene) and nothing changed.Looks like there is an issue with UE4 import.But I could avoid that problem by just creating box-collisions in UE4 Editor (not in another 3d software ) and everything worked correct. .Of course that is not the right solution of this problem.

Me too.But I could avoid that problem by just creating box-collisions in UE4 Editor (not in another 3d software ) !

that’s an anoying problem for complex collisions …

This problem still persists. Curently in UE5.2 same problems with non-uniform scaling of box collision occur.
Fix: in Mesh Editor open each box collision primitive, reset rotation to 0,0,0 and swap Extents (in my case X Extent and Z extent)