Should the file Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealHeaderTool/Resources/PCLaunch.rc be stored as utf16?

Hey guys,

We recently moved to 4.12 and when recompiling the UnrealFrontend I got an error regarding the above file at the point where the UnrealHeaderTool was linking. Now this did not happen when compiling the ue4 editor the game or anything else just the unreal front end. I fixed this by converting the file to utf 16 and changing the type in perforce to be utf16. According to what I’ve read RC files should always be utf16. but when I look in the epic perforce repository this file is always just plain utf8 text. Is this right? Why has this not resulted in compilation issues? I’m a little perplexed by this and I just want to make sure that this issue doesn’t happen again in our studio so a little info would be appreciated,
