3rd person blueprint for enemy event overlap doesn't destroy actor

I have a third person character which I added a punching animation with the right mouse with a collision sphere, when I create enemy air with pawn sensing the enemy will come towards the character but the destroy actor does nothing, I have gone by this tutorial but it is for first person I’m not sure how to change it to third person since you can find first person projectile, I thought maybe third person character instead but no
Luck, if someone could help I would greatly appreciate it thanks in advance william
UE4 Tutorial | Enemy Follow Kill Player | Player Kill Enemy - YouTube

Hello wdrazzen88,

This should be rather simple to set up, even without the tutorial. In your ThirdPersonCharacter BP, select the collision sphere that is related to your punching logic and then right-click in the event graph and get OnComponentBeginOverlap. You can then setup the following logic, supplementing EnemyBP for the name of your enemy’s blueprint.

This will check the “Other Actor” pin to make sure that it is of the same class as your enemy and then destroy it if so.

If this doesn’t work, make sure that both your ThirdPersonCharacter, CollisionSphere, and Enemy are generating overlap events in their collision settings.

thank you sir, I have been doing VFX for awhile so I know how to rig and animate my characters but I’m learning Unreal my goal for the moment was to have the enemy kill the actor then the actor kill the enemy and play a death montage but I had been stuck,I was picking the capsule for the character instead of the sphere collision on the hand I appreciate this greatly