Ai perception, peripheral vision angle degrees max?


Been tearing my hair out when my OnPerceptionUpdated didn’t fire.
I had the peripheral vision angle degrees set to 360 degrees and it wouldn’t fire once. Just lowered it down to 90 and works like a charm.

Would be great to have a max value for that variable so this doesn’t happen :). I suppose 180 degrees are max ? Would love it if you manually entered higher degrees then possible that it would change to max.

Sry about the tags, needed 200 reputation to add tags that haven’t been used before (?) #Ai perception #Peripheral vision

Hey Blackrock,

I have reproduced your issue, and have entered a bug report which you can track using the link below:

Also, you’re correct in assuming the maximum value is 180 degrees.

Have a great day!

And if we want to set it to 360 for an RPG game where a unit can see behind him, how we do it?