Rendering 12k Images and is sequencer actor recording deterministic

I’m trying to determine if I can use Unreal for an upcoming large scale project for a theme park and I will have to render
12k frames something like 12,000 x 2,000 and noticed in sequencer it maxs out at 7320 or something and I could only figure out how to do that when i made a camera first then called it into sequencer as an actor and messed with its settings but it was extremely warped to get something that was really long - I couldn’t find any settings like 1920x1080 that I could change to 12,0000 x 2000 any help on the best way to do this ?
I know I could probably marry 2 cameras together and make a rig that does 6,000 a piece I guess

Also when you record an actor in Sequencer does that make it deterministic ?
i.e if I have a fish sim and record the sequence and render it out but it crashes halfway thru can I restart the render from where it crashed ?

first pic is what i got when i made the camera inside Sequencer // only a little square area rendered

got this when i made a camera first and then linked in Sequencer but with the 7000pixel limit