Android - DestructibleMesh - No Collision Detection

I have destructible meshes that work fine when playing in PIE mode in editor, or when standalone on macOS, but collision detection does not happen on Android.

Nexus 5x (Android v7.1.1)

I’ve made an example project to demonstrate the bug -


Just came across This Post. I should have done a little more research first.

Hi Nathan,

As you found, destructible meshes aren’t currently supported for mobile. The best way is to fake it with some predefined chunks, swap out the static mesh with your pre-fractured one, and then simulate physics for the chunks that are affected by the hit.

Hope that helps.


Is there any documentation on this process? I can’t seem to get the engine to do this correctly for imported fractured meshes.

Probably not best to ask in this thread, so made another question here to further this discussion - Importing FBX - Fractured/Destructible - Collison - Pipeline & Plugins - Epic Developer Community Forums

No documentation on it and it’s not using Destructible Meshes as a feature.

What you would do is have a base static mesh. Then in your modeling program you would break that mesh up into the chunks that you would want. You would import all of those chunks as separate static meshes and then reassemble them as a group in a blueprint. Then when the your base mesh is hit you just swap out for the fractured version and depending on where the hit took place you tell those specific static mesh chunks to simulate physics.

Overall, it’s just a way to fake something similar for mobile without the specific functionality that DM’s offer via their settings. You would essentially need to control a lot of this through Blueprint setup to tell the chunks how to react to a hit and what amount of damage to take, etc.