Can PostProcessVolumes be disabled by clicking the eye in the outliner like lights?

When you hide the visibility of lights (like directional lights, spot lights) the light gets disabled at the same time. It would be nice if PostProcessVolumes could be disabled like this too. You don’t really need to hide only the visibility of the volume very often so a shortcut for disabling/enabling volumes would be a good option to have.

Afaik - No.
But it’s a good idea for a feature request.

You could disable post process by tiping in console(~ key):

  • sg.PostProcessQuality 0

and turn back:

  • sg.PostProcessQuality 3

There are 5 settings, 0 to 4.
To not type twice, just open console and press UP to switch to previously typed commands.

0 doesn’t seem to disable post processing, it’s just the lowest quality level. But more to the point I use different volumes for different effects so global things like these aren’t really what I’m looking for, just a fast way to A/B some effects.

It disables PP volumes for me.