Landscape Layer Blending and World Displacement - How do I get all textures to work?

I’m trying to set up World Displacement with my landscape material. But I can’t quite figure out how to set it up so that all four height maps in the Layer Blend are being used for World Displacement. How would I lay it out?

You can just blend the layers like you do with the other textures and multiply the output with a VertexNormalWS node and put it in the world displacement slot. Make sure to enable displacement in your material settings!

I tried linking them together like that but it didn’t seem to work. What map/image is it that I connect for the displacement, is it height map or normal map?

Here’s what I managed to do. I’ve got crack free displacement on but it still has cracks.

any ideas?


You put in the height map for the displacement. Also I’m pretty sure crack free displacement for landscapes was broken in 4.14.

I stuck the height maps in the Layer Blend for the displacement but it just raised the landscape a whole lot and didn’t add any extra depth or detail onto the textures.

Any idea what im doing wrong?

sorry, I forgot to upload the image.

Reduce your distance parameter.