Enable Play editor 3rd person

I made a level from scratch and I wanted to use the play editor in 3rd person. Right now It is only in first person(not a FPS base but just a camera by itself) and I’m flying around the play area. What do I have to enter to get a demo character to run around my level?


You have probably created an empty project at the first place. Empty projects don’t have any pre-built game mode components in them.

You have two options. But first of all, go to launcher and create a Third Person Blueprint project.

1- Migrate blueprint files from newly created project to your project.

2- Migrate your level to new project.

Have a nice day, comment if something isn’t clear.

Not sure where I’m going wrong here. I migrated the files from a new 3rd person project. I go to my original project I try to import those files. Nothing happens. I saved the migrated files to a folder on my C drive

Ok! I got the files loaded with migrate. I can see the blueprints in my old template. Though for some reason it’s still not letting me demo with the Play command

Have you selected GameMode?

Select it and do what? How do I set it up?I tried highlighting it and hitting play that doesn’t seem to work.