Making first person character's body only visible for other players

I’m sure there is probably a very easy solution for this. However, I’ve been googling a lot and can’t find any information on how to do this.

So I am making a first person shooter game and I want it to work for online multiplayer and split screen. The first person character is a very basic character with only arms visible to the player. Like the character you get in the first person template. However, I want the other players to be able to to see a full body mesh. How can I make the body mesh only visible to other characters and the arm mesh only visible to the owning character?

This should be a very common thing in first person shooters right? I don’t understand why I can’t find out how to do this. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I’d look up network replication. It’ll help you figure out how to implement commands depending on whether they are the owning client or not.

Well, the problem is that this needs to work in split screen mode.