I can't see my character's variables when binding things in my HUD blueprint?

I feel like I’ve been going over this blueprint like a million times trying to find the problem, but I can’t find anything wrong.

I’ve been trying to do this tutorial:

Here is my Player character blueprint:


And here is my HUD blueprint:


I feel like I followed the instructions to the letter but this happens when I try to bind my health and things to some text:


None of the variables show up! I’m not getting any errors or anything either. Can anyone help me? Has anyone had a similar problem?

All the variables are Editable and NOT private, by the way. They’re integers and floats too.

what umg widget property are you trying to bind to? perhaps the dropdown list is filtering to object types that can actually bind to what you are clicking - in which if you are trying to bind a brush or a vector, integers and floats wouldnt show up

maybe try creating a bind function to see exactly the type requested

I’m just trying to bind my character’s health value (which is a float) to a text widget.

Edit: I’ve realized that if I set my HP variable to a float I can bind that to a progress bar. So you are right about the list filtering out things it can’t bind. I would like to have a numerical value for my health, armor, etc. and not a bar, so I started messing around and I found out that to use integers and stuff in a text box I’m not supposed to just select it in the drop box, I need to use a custom binding. Whoops.

if you “create a binding” you can create a function that gets your data and turns it into the text you want - if you use the “format text” node you can very easily add extra information you might need like % signs and whatnot