What is Break rotator?

Hi everybody, English is not my first language.
Anyone can explain me in details what is exactly Break rotator. I can’t understand it with the only definition I’ve found (Breaks apart a rotator into {Roll, Pitch, Yaw} angles in degrees)
I use this node in tutorial for basic movements of my character. I globaly know this node use to redefine vector direction of my character fonction to yaws movements input of camera.

Sorry if this questions is so simply but I’m a beginner

Link of the tutorial I follow. https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Gameplay/HowTo/SetUpInput/Blueprints/index.html

So you have GetControlRotation node - this give you (pitch yaw roll) Input from your Controller. Then you BreakRot - basically this allow you to ignore some axis. If you care only about Yaw you plug only Yaw wire into MakeRot node. This will control Character camera in your case - when you GetRightVector or GetForwardVector you get vectors relative to your camera direction. Imagine your character look at sky and walk Forward - if you don’t use only Yaw axis his ForwardVector will be pointing to sky. But to walk forward you need to have your ForwardVector parallel to ground. If you want to underwater diving - use Pitch, otherwise you can’t pointing your ForwardVector down and move down. Hmm…

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Perfect. “it allows you to ignore some axis”.
Thanks for your answer TVinforest.
But is this node really essential ?
I delete “break rotator”, then split “get control rotation”, then link “get control rotation” and “make rotator”. It works.
