I cant save my blueprint! PLZ Help

So i have been working on this for 2:30 min (Most time I have had to work on this) and no unreal refuses to save one of the blueprints that I was working with and I need these changes I’m really panicking right no it just says that it has failed over and aver again if I don’t have this blueprint I’m not sure that I will know what I have lost is still new and I am still learning is there a way that I can save my blueprint! PLZ HELP!

Error msg: The asset ‘/Game/Free_life/Charcter/Player_BP’ (Player_BP.uasset) failed to save.

Cancel: Stop saving all assets and return to the editor.
Retry: Attempt to save the asset again.
Continue: Skip saving this asset only.

Make sure file is not write protected. You have a permissions to write in folder. File is not locked by other process (like other copy of unreal).

Thx it eventually worked i just set up an auto clicker and like 1h later it worked. but i will check that thank you