Unable to run Editor using AMDGPU drivers

I’m running up-to-date Arch Linux (kernel 4.9.6) and the open-source AMDGPU drivers. I have an AMD RX-480. I have tried several versions of Unreal (I believe 4.12 through 4.15) and all build successfully. When I try to run them, however, I get the following error:

*** Error in `UE4Editor-Linux-Debug’: free(): invalid pointer: 0x00007febc1625fc0 ***

Full error message | stdout

This issue appears to be the same issue this user is having. Aside from installing the Pro drivers, is there any way for me to fix this?

Try editing LinuxToolchain.cs and commenting out the part that creates the linker script.

I tried, but it didn’t compile. Which lines should I be commenting out?