Anim Graph state machine doesn't transition

Could any please tell me where im going wrong with this.

When pressing control the Hover start and the HoverIdle_Move work fine but when pressing control a second time (setting IsHovering? to false) the Hover Stop animation isn’t triggered and the character is stuck in the HoverIdle_Moving animation.

The bottom section of this image is from my character’s BP, which is functioning correctly but i included it for reference, it seems to be transition 3 which isn’t triggering.

Can anyone give me any pointers as to why this isn’t working, im pretty new with UE4 so could use any help i can get, thanks in advance.

Sorry but direction of transition on the graph is from Hover_Stop → HoverIdle_Move (3), should be opposite.

Oh my god, just going to go smack my head against a wall for a while. thank you.

Haha. These small things always happen. Good luck with it.
Please mark the topic as resolved if it is.

Done, and thanks again. I’ve clearly been staring at this project for too long.