How do you launch another app on an android device using ue4?

So I am trying to make my app get it’s GPS location, and then open up google maps to navigate to a location.

I found Google Maps Intents and this post about opening the photo gallery and am trying to modify the code in the photo gallery post to run the google maps intent. However I am having issues with the code in complaining about not being able to find a symbol in the following code:

public void AndroidThunkJava_OpenGoogleMapsTurnByTurn(String address)
        Uri gmmIntentUri = Uri.parse("google.navigation:"+address);
	Intent mapIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, gmmIntentUri);

Is there an include I am missing that I need to add to Also where would I be able to blueprint expose/call the functions that call this intent in the AndroidJNI.h file?

Thank you for the assistance!

I’m trying to know the same thing. Anyone, any idea?