Need help using sockets with paper2d

I have made the socket and i can see it on my sprites and in the flipbook where i use them. but the weapon actor that i made will not spawn in the socket. I tried to follow the tutorial Using Sprite Sockets | Unreal Engine Documentation

but could not figure it out. I followed it step by step until the part where you connect the sprite to “in parrent”, where i cant connect it. dont know if thats the problem, but the weapon spawns on the map, and not the character, and it is not even connected to the socket, when the character moves, the weapon stays where it spawned.

Any help would be be appreciated :slight_smile:

I cant progress without this, and i cant find any useful tutorial :confused:

still working with it

To be sure here you are spawning the actor class and not an instance from within the level correct? Also you must be able to connect the parent because the object will spawn on the ground otherwise. You aren’t telling it what to attach the actor to when spawning it so it falls on the floor. Bottom line though is you need to find out WHY you can’t connect the sprite reference. You are spawning the actor on the socket from within the character blueprint right? If you aren’t within the character blueprint you might have issues. I hope this helps clear some of this up for you.

This is super old, but you aren’t telling it what to attach to. Target is the actual “thing I want to attach” where as Parent Actor is “thing I want to attach to.”