My apps keeps crashing when a sound is completed

i made a very basic sound board app liturly a widget with a button that plays sounds on my galaxy s6 6.01 but every time a sound is done the app crashes anybody can tell me why and help me


Is this the same issue that you’re reporting [here][1]? If so, let me know and I’ll close this thread out as a duplicate. If not, please upload your crashing logs from your Android device.

  • Attach your phone to the computer
  • Go here: C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
  • Open up Monitor.bat
  • Launch the program and save the logs

If you cannot get Monitor.bat to open, please go to:

  • C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\lib\monitor-x86
  • Open up Monitor.exe
  • Follow the instructions above

Make sure that you highlight all of the logs, because they do not save unless they’re highlighted.

Thank you!

Weird problom with sounds - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

yes close this thered its just a problom of the arm64