Changing location of localization manifest

I’m working on a project that had a localization manifest collecting phase that directed to a file in a location that differs from the setup employed by the target in Localization Dashboard (/Game/Localization/Game.manifest instead of /Game/Localization/Game/Game.manifest), so using the “Get History…” button in the Translation Editor doesn’t fetch the history from the file we had set up for our command line build steps.

Is there a way to direct (through DefaultEditor.ini or something else) the configuration for the target to direct to a different manifest?

Hi Tiago Rezende,

In the Set Up section of our documentation for [Localization][1] it states the following:

Localization Data

“Projects must be configured to use their localization data. Paths to search for localization data are specified in Config/DefaultGame.ini under the Internationalization section using array notation for the key LocalizationPaths. By default, localization data will be searched for in Content/Localization/Game, but this entry can be explicitly removed or replaced.”


…it goes on to show an Example Directory Structure. Please review this documentation and let me know if it does not provide the answer you are looking for.


Thanks for the response, ! From what I gather, it seems that using a subdirectory in Content/Localization/ is a fixed requirement, for use with the Translation Editor, right?

I’ve also looked at the Config/Localization/Game_*.ini files generated for each of the actions in the Localization Dashboard - is there any configuration that is loaded for the Translation Editor itself?

Yeah, the structure of a localization target is pretty much expected to be in this format (assuming an “en” and “fr” culture):

* {TargetName}/
  * {TargetName}.manifest
  * en/
    * {TargetName}.archive
    * {TargetName}.po
    * {TargetName}.locres
  * fr/
    * {TargetName}.archive
    * {TargetName}.po
    * {TargetName}.locres

It used to be a little more flexible, but over time we’ve moved towards this consistent layout, and moving forwards this will be the required layout. I’d recommend adjusting your target to conform to this layout to avoid any future issues.

With regards to the config files generated via the Localization Dashboard, those are only used by the gather commandlets (not the dashboard itself). The commandlets and the dashboard currently have two completely separate configuration layouts for a target, although I plan to unify these at some point so that both work on the same set of data.

For this reason it’s recommended to use the localization dashboard to manage your localization targets, as I will make sure the data there upgrades automatically, however any manual commandlet INI files will need a manual port.