Adding more than 1 hit point to a vehicle

Hi all,

How do i add multible hit points on to a target. so the target can only be destroyed when all hit points have been hit.

Thanks in advance

“Hit Points” are not a native part of the Unreal Engine, unlike “Damage”, which is!
the regular way to implement an HP system, is creating an HP variable (float/int), and connecting damage events (like “Event AnyDamage”) to reduce the HP variable.

Hello Arty,

Sorry my bad i ment HP.
Lets say I have an enemy base stretching over 3 vector coordinates and the player has to hit all 3 vector coordinates inorder to destroy this enemy base.
I would need to place 3 HP variables, one at each specific point on this base.
How would I do that on a imported object like a enemy base/building?

Thanks again for your reply…

you set up 3 HP variables just as you said, then in a Damage Event, you have a node indicating the damage location, so you use that to check which HP variable is relevant to that damage, if at all :slight_smile:

Hey Arty,

thank you very much, exactly what i needed to know…

Thanks again

no problem, good luck with your project :slight_smile:
please mark the question as solved