Rotation problem neeeeed helppppp

Ok… so my 3D Model I want to make it rotate in one place like a fan, and not have it rotate the whole mesh its self all over the screen, how could I go about changing that? or would that have to be done inside Sketchup “The software I’m using”.

A mesh will always rotate around the pivot point of your mesh. That’s the (0,0,0) Position of the mesh.

If the mesh has a pivot point which is where you want it to rotate around you can update the SetRelativeRotation to make it move relative to its current world position (if you want to execute it from blueprint).
Else you can make your mesh a Actor and attach a Rotating Movement Component: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums.

If the pivot point is in a weird spot you can make an Actor of the Mesh, Add a Scene Component, add a Static Mesh Component, Attach the Mesh Component to the Scene Component (drag it on top of it) and then Relative Rotate the Scene Component instead.