Can't Click on Buttons

Hello. I’ve been working on a project, and I have been having some issues. So, I have a widget which consists of buttons inside a Vertical Box, and two just in the Canvas Panel. I have a script inside the Player Controller that activates that and sets the input mode to UI Only. All these blocks work, since the widget gets created and the mouse gets locked inside the viewport, like I want it to, but the buttons don’t respond to anything. They just don’t respond, even with the button press.

Heres the code (This takes place inside the Player Controller)

So far, I have been unable to replicate the issue. This has worked at random rare occasions, and dosen’t most of the time. THank you for the help.

I peformed the same exact code inside a new project, and it worked.

Do the buttons actually visually animate? You might have another UMG layer blocking the input

Well, aperintally I am just blind :p. Thank you!