Commandlet to import fbx using UE4Editor-Cmd.exe

I try to convert fbx file into uasset without gui(on cloud server).
Follow this command:

UE4Editor-Cmd.exe filepath.uproject -run=ImportAssets -source=filepath.fbx -dest=assetpath -importsettings=""

From : [UE4 convert .fbx to .uasset commandlet] - Pipeline & Plugins - Unreal Engine Forums

It works on the 4.15 preview 3

However it shows this error on 4.14.3

Do you guys have any idea? why?
Somehow it’s similar to this problem, but it marked as fixed in 4.14.3 , which is clearly not.

or maybe the FBX Static Mesh Pipeline that I followed is outdated(using maya)

Thanks to @Softavi.

The problem is solved by adding the flag ‘-AllowCommandletRendering’ to the command line.