What is the lifecycle of the controller, character and HUD?

I found this for the actor:
Actor Lifecycle

Is there some similar document for the lifecycle that include the creating the HUD and the Actor Components on the ACharacter?

The reason I am asking:

I have Widgets referring to an ActorComponent on my Character in the BeginPlay of the HUD blueprint which assigns a reference of the ActorComponent to the Widget.

The ActorComponent shows out of scope when it runs in the BeginPlay.

When I call the same nodes via an BlueprintImplementableEvent, I get a reference to the ActorComponent, it all works fine. Also the ActorComponent is replicated.

BeginPlay is executed right after all components of that actor are initiated, so order depends on order of loading objects which is quite random and you code should be prepared that somethign night not avable, or else you explicitly will make something right after another. I don’t know you setup, but either check out actor on every frame or use binding, i didn’t use UMG much but in Slate this should be easy.

Thanks, I am not surprised.