Blueprint callable functions with the WorldContext meta are only available in certain objects?

So I’ve noticed functions with meta = (WorldContext = “WorldContext”) can only be called from certain blueprints. I can’t find any documentation on that meta tag. My assumption is that it will auto grab the world context and put it in the param “WorldContext”. So BP users don’t have to.

But if it’s not obvious to the BP of what is the world context object to use, then it won’t allow you to even call it and supply the world context yourself. Blueprint classes that inherit off of Object, can’t see this functions which is kind of crippling. If you remove that meta tag. You can supply the context object yourself and everything works.

Is there a way to make these show up in BP anyway, but force me to supply a context object to use them? Or can I do something to my BP class to make it understand “how to get a world context”?


Stumbled across this looking for answers on something related;
The understanding that I have is that functions that take a world context object will use the object they are called from within as the world context object, IF this object’s GetWorld() function returns a useful value (this is determined in advance by the engine via UObject::ImplementsGetWorld()). If GetWorld() returns null, the blueprint editor will hide functions that require a world context to call from view.

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You need override the function ‘GetWorld’ like this.