Multiplayer VR- cant find session


I have created a simple Multiplayer game, it works on STEAM. Yay. Now im trying to use a VR controller. All based on the shootout and the Unreal Multplayer videos.

I can get the menus to work, load level, host a level but finding a session isn’t working. I have it all hooked up the same way as before, but with the VR controller it gets stuck at ‘Find Sessions’ node. It just fails. Im not sure if its the controller or just the way the game runs in VR.

Anyone have any ideas?

Session nodes started to work for me when I added


to DefaultEngine.ini. If you are using C++, you may also need to add "OnlineSubsystemNull" dependency in Build.cs file.

cool, i will try that. thanks.

Just so im clear does this mean i swap STEAM for Null? does that stop it from working in Steam?

Still no luck.

Im just not sure why changing to a VR controller would cause the ‘Find Session’ to give of a failure. In non VR it gives success then shows games or if nothing created gives a no games found.

I must be missing something.

anything else you can think of? would it be possible to see how your find Sessions is hooked up?

Nothing special here. I just pass Player Controller with id 0 to Find Session node and set LAN to be true. Check your log for errors when Find Session is executed. You can also use [Error Handling Nodes][2] for this. And yes, if you want to use Steam, you have to add [OnlineSubsystemSteam][3] instead of Null.

i think i figured it out. In my server Refresh macro, i had get “owning player” instead of get player controller.

will test and see.

thanks for you help.

Problem solved. The find sessions node in my ‘refreshservers’ was linked to ‘Owning player’ rather than 'player controller".


Thanks Koralgoll!

To answer my own question, it was an issue of not having a high enough search results in the find sessions node. I guess lots of people are using the 480 app id.