Change sprite From MainMenu Widget

why i cant change the flipbook from the mainManu widget of my game? but when i playing, from the HUD widget i can change the flipbook, its a error From unreal? or its impossible?, i have 4.10, i cant update because… my internet suck´s xD

the way i change the flipbook is this.

GEt player controller → cast to Character → get Sprite ->set flipbook.

as i says, in execution time It work just fine, but in main menu it not.

all i want is make a simple Select Character Screen, you select and then hit the button play

A Player Controller is not a Character, so casting it to a Character will fail, resulting in an invalid reference.

But Character is a kind of Pawn, so di this:
Get Player Pawn or Get Player Controller’s Pawn instead, then cast it to the paper 2d character and set the sprite’s flipbook.