How to use Hit event for multiple objects?

Hi, I am creating a project for university. At the moment I am trying to set up a blueprint which contains a platform that moves and multiple targets for the player to shoot at (although I want it so that there are multiple difficulty levels where the number of balls increase) however at the moment I can’t figure out how to get it so that I can use the OnHit event for more than one object? Ask if you need any more information, any help is appreciated!

If you are basing it off of the FPS template:

  • Create a blueprint, maybe called bpp_TargetParent, that will act as the parent for all targets in the game (for shared functions).
  • For an event: OnHit > Cast to Projectile > Destroy Actor
  • Create a child of that parent blueprint, maybe called bpc_TargetCube, and give it a Cube Static Mesh with collision that blocks all objects.

After that, you should be able to shoot that child blueprint in your scene with the template gun, or any projectile class object.