Vertex Painting Static Mesh Displacement


im trying to find a way to add a little bit of life and organic feel to my streets and i have found this system:

At around 0:45 there is a Vertex Displacement shown.

How can i use that? i have a Flat Plane Model with a few Tris in it and i cannot draw on it so it will rise or lower at that point?

Is this still possible or what is happening there?


Does noone have an answer?

If you are using vertexpaint you would need a good amount of vertex to paint on, so if you have a plane with only four vertext, your vertexpaint wouldn’t look good…
Can you show us your plane with all its vertex?

Thanks for the reply, yes i noticed i would need to subdivide a flat plane multiple times to get a good result.
I guess in the Video it is achieved with Tesselation, which is the way i have solved it now.