Project Freezes When Opening Editor

Whenever I open my project file with UE4, it begins to load normally then freezes each time at exactly 73%. I’ve tried looking in the log file to see and it seems that a lot of errors are generating at this point. Any idea how to fix them? I’ve no idea what caused them in the first place and they seemed to appear almost out of no where.

Here’s my Log file:

[link text][1]

Additionally, if I try to launch the Game instead of the editor, this happens:

Hello RaianXionsin,

Is this a code project? If so, this error may be able to point out the problem:

Unable to bind delegate to 'MeleeHit' (function might not be marked as a UFUNCTION)

I’m not sure where this function is as I don’t know what is in your project but I would check to see if MeleeHit is a UFunction and/or if it is being bound to a delegate.

If you’re not in a code project, maybe it’s one of your enabled plugins? You can try disabling any third party programs by right-clicking the .uproject file and editing it in a text editor, such as Notepad.

We haven’t heard from you in a while, RaianXionsin. Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, was my last comment of any help? In the meantime, I’ll be marking this issue as resolved for tracking purposes.