3D Widget Interaction weird behavior with gamestate replication

First of all, im really confused right now.

I have setup some 3D Widget Interaction stuff. my PlayerController has a WidgetInteraction Component tracing the Mouseposition and everything works fine.

WidgetInteraction = CreateDefaultSubobject<UWidgetInteractionComponent>(TEXT("WidgetInteraction"));
WidgetInteraction->TraceChannel = COLLISION_WIDGETACTOR; //yes i use some custom trace for this.
WidgetInteraction->InteractionDistance = 3000.0f;
WidgetInteraction->InteractionSource = EWidgetInteractionSource::Mouse;
WidgetInteraction->bShowDebug = true;

I can Click a 3D Widget Component Button (Created with Blueprint) and it calls all Onclick Events like it should. Everything is fine.

Now the problem (and the problem seems kind of weird):

My Custom GameState has the following line to replicate a Variable.

void AGameController::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray< FLifetimeProperty > & OutLifetimeProps) const
	//Super::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(OutLifetimeProps); // This causes the error?!
	DOREPLIFETIME(AGameController, RoundTimeLeft);

So if if add that Line “Super::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(OutLifetimeProps);” the Widget Interaction stops working. When I click on a Widget Button now, the Pressed Animation of the Button is played, but the OnClick Event isnt fired. (Same behavior if i outcomment the whole replication block and dont define “GetLifetimeReplicatedProps”.)

So my questions are:

What does the GameState have to do with this?

Is this a somehow known behavior?

Is this a bug?

What can I do to Add the line and still have the widgets working?

I didnt Test this on a blank project yet…

if you need other code or my widget blueprints to answer this i could share them, but i dont think they will help because they do work, just not with that Gamestate replication.

Im using (UE 4.14.2). (And im pretty new to UE)

(To be honest, I dont really expect someone to answer this. I might have to reconstructure my Code so this error bothers me not that much.)