[BUG] Anim BP Cast to Player Character fails if AnimBP is open

This is strange. Casting to my player character was always failing while working in my AnimBP so I did a search online and found this thread - https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/126954/cast-to-character-failed-in-animation-blueprint.html

I was experiencing the same issue and sure enough, closing the Anim Blueprint fixed the issue. Thought I should report it.

Hi TorQueMoD,

This is expected behavior. If you have an instance of the AnimBP in the game AND you have the AnimBP open for editing, then you will see two results output: A success and a Failure. This is because the preview window in Persona is a running instance of your AnimBP.

You’re expected to use an IsValid? check in AnimBP Event Graphs. See the Third Person Template project for an example of this.

Ok. Confusing but understandable. Thanks!

The isValid check essentially lets no signal pass unless you have a legitimate Parent Pawn. That stops the AnimBP preview instance from triggering anything. Does that help?