Should sphyls and twists have collision enabled?

I am using the skeletal mesh and its physics asset for collisions and hit events, also using the physics animation component. Everything works well, but once and a while a doll will superman into the air on some collision. I’ve gotten this down to a minimum by tweaking the physics asset (I’m pretty sure my collision channels and responses are optimal, it was tricky because I want all these meshes to hit one another but not interfere with themselves too much.)

The actual question is, as I pick through this asset, which bodies should have collision enabled? Obviously the main bodies, but what about the sphyls and twists? does this having collision affect more tangential motion? or is it pointless. I noticed removing the collision responses from the pelvis and root helped cut down on the super-manning. So how about it? Anyone have any info relevant? Thanks ahead of time. I know that situations like this are highly based on the setup, i assure you the setup is too complex to really go into, so any answers in broad-strokes about spyhls and twists will be appreciated and I won’t be sad if there isn’t any responses. Cheers.