Unreal UMG menu loops, but only ever once. Code not re-executing, but shouldn't it?

I have a widget blueprint that has two canvas panels on it. Both of these panels have a button on it.
The buttons are coded so that OnClicked on one makes the panel the button is on invisible and the other panel visible.
Ideally it would be like switching menus, and you could go back and forth in a loop. Button A makes page B appear and page A disappear.
And it does once, A will lead to B, and B will lead to A, but A will not lead back to B.
some potentially related notes: this is on a 3d Widget, and the buttons will do the ‘hover’ effect (i’m using the editor default stuff for now)

show your blueprints

this code here does exactly what you want to, and it’s working fine, are you sure you’re setting the right visibility and referencing the right panels? it would be easier to help if you show your code.