Additionnal mesh invisible in standalone only

I try to animate a blueprint character in sequencer.
My character have 2 meshes, a Head and a Body, the default mesh is the head.

To simulate an absolute animation, I teleport my Actor in 0.0.0 before starting the sequence and play the animation.

In Editor, all goes right.

But in Standalone game, the body is invisible.
I tweak a lot of options and the problem is : if the camera don’t hit the capsule (which stay in 0.0.0) the mesh is invisible.
If I grow the Bounds Scale, it works, but it’s not a great solution.

I don’t want to activate rootmotion, because I don’t want physics blocking my character.

I don’t understand why the head, the default mesh component works and not my additional component.
And why only in standalone game…

If someone have some answer, that’s great, I spent a weak on this “bug?”

I found… after debugging the animation/visibility engine… eeek !..

  • The solution is to parent the additional mesh to the main mesh. So when we check the Use Parent Bounds, it works.

I don’t know why, but when the engine calculate the mesh bound, it include the position of the capsule, so the bounds are bid enough to be seen.
When calculating additional meshes, the parent root position is not added (and because the positions are 0 relative, the bounding are really small and centered on 0.0.0. So not visible if the camera don’t look that way.