Getting the name of the mesh that I overlap with

I have a sphere that runs around overlapping with actors and it works fine for that, but then I have complex models that I want the overlap volume to be the polygons themselves. Is this possible? So if I have a rock in the level that is called “Rock of naming” and my sphere overlap with it, how can I get the name “Rock of naming” in my BP script? I tried asking for overlapping actors or overlapping components in blueprint, but no luck.

Is it because they are static mesh actors inside a blueprint actor?

Here is an example mesh that is inside the actor:

The model have many similar and often more complex models basically sharing surfaces. Adding a collision sphere or box is not viable. As I said above, I have tried asking for all overlapping components, but it did not work.

This is the mesh settings:

Sadly, this does not solve my issue as the problem is not getting the name, but getting the reference to the object.
That is one such actor with many parts. The sphere is another actor entirely that the player controls.

Hello NoobDeScroobs,

You can get the name of static mesh pieces by using the node Get Object Name and whatever you named the component inside the actor is what will display, you could set this to display with your sphere overlap.

Good Luck Creating!


Your question/issue isn’t very clear. But maybe one of these two is what you need:

Also this might help:


If you want more specific help I think you should try to be more clear with your question. Probably show a bit more of your blueprint :slight_smile:

I uploaded some more images to show what I meant. The other actor is just a collision box that is set to overlap with everything and when I press a button it checks for overlap and returns overlapping components: get overlapping components

I’ve tried to create a simple version of your case. I have made an actor with two static mesh components which use complex collision. The collision box is the Detection Actor:

The Detection Actor has the following Event Graph:

For me this setup works. When I press Z, i get the name/references to the components the box is overlapping.

I did it correct the entire time. And you are correct, it should work. What my problem was was that most of the time when I checked the collision sphere and the complex geometry based collision were not overlapping. It is obvious now that I think about it, but since I dont use OnBeginOverlap I have no guarantee for the two actually overlapping. If you can change this to an answer I will accept it.

Cool man, glad you were able to figure it out in the end. Good luck with your project!