How do I import a building into UE4 without collision problems?

I am trying to import a building you can go into and walk through for a map in a shooter game, but when I import, it calculates a strange collision box that prevents me from even going on the front porch. How do I import it without the strange collider box? I made and textured (Shown untextured) In Blender 2.72b with a .OBJ file.

The dark orange are the strange collider lines.
This has also happened to several other imported models.

I can’t give you an answer because I don’t use blender, but my modeler does. He has given me quick and dirty models like this in the past which calculated the collision mesh on import. Models that work, he builds the collision mesh in Blender and gives me an FBX which imports it in with the correct mesh. You can remove this erroneous mesh and recreate a higher poly one in UE4 that will be more accurate, but may still not do what you like, such as go into the building (to remove and recreate, double click your static mesh file and look in the collision menu tab, there are options to add one that is more detailed). Hopefully someone else can give more detail on building it in blender, or I will if he can explain it to me in such a way as to tell you.

Hi, for blender you need to setup the collision manually.

If you look at this video Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial: Collision (english) - YouTube created by fighter5347 it will show you how to create the collision in blender.

The other option is to let unreal do it for you. If you open if the static mesh and inside the details panel should be “static mesh settings”.

If you set the collision complexity to “Use Complex Collision as Simple” this will set the collision accurately to the mesh.

Hope this helps, Tom.

Where you able to fix this issue ?

I presume you are directing that question at slashscreen, which I can’t answer, but the dark lines shown are a simple collision added by the engine in lieu of a provided collision mesh. That type of mesh isn’t useful if you want to go on the porch for example, it has to be a much more complex mesh you create in Blender to do it right. That collision mesh then gets imported into the editor. You can also try what lilavar suggests as a second option and setup a more complex mesh within the editor after import. That may not be as accurate as you’d like.

Keep in mind that using the complex collision can be extremely heavy in terms of vertex addition. The UCX method can let you control a bit more what collisions you need and where. (for instance a roof top where you character will never go is a waste of vertex.
check this video for more info

Well I’m
I’m need of some help , I imported a map from
Sonic adventure but when I spawn my character he’s calculating wrong collintion. There are some part where he walks up and down where’s only flat

Maybe you should open a new question since it sounds like the circumstances are different. Slashscreen was asking about a static mesh being imported from Blender. If your map is a static mesh, you can go into the mesh itself with the editor and see what collision is being generated. That would tell you if what you are seeing with your character is caused by the collision mesh for that model. But you probably want a separate question that covers your circumstances.