UI - Movable widget inside parent canvas panel.

Hello. I have made quite a few widgets that I can move around on the screen. The way they are created is that they are individual user widgets, each have their own canvas panel with whatever each widget needs to display. They are then created and added to the viewport.

Now I thought I’d create some health bar and thought that it may be a good idea to create a “main hud” widget which would only have a canvas panel with the rest of the user widgets manually added to it. But now when I add the widgets to the main huds canvas panel, I can no longer move them.

I have tracked down the problem to the be the fact that the “Slot as Canvas Slot” returns false. And I don’t really know how to go around this.

Have I been designing the widgets wrong? Should it be possible to move a widget inside of a canvas panel of a parent? I really don’t know, any help is welcome.

Solved it, just had to pass in a self reference rather than a widget that was added, just as a border.

Hey could you explain this a little more. I’m also trying to move a widgets within a canvas and I’m getting some pretty weird behavior. Where should I pass in a self reference? And what does ‘just as a border’ mean?

Thanks for any help!