Animation Retargeting problems. Bones are screwed

Hello guys, Need some help.
I’ve downloaded some animations and then decided to retarget them onto Epic’s skeleton (SK_Mannequin). After retargeting the skeleton looks like this.

It hangs in the air, the shoulders and fingers are misplaced and the animation looks weird. How to fix it?
Thanks in advance

I’m afraid retargeted animations will always looks like this and there is no proper way to fix all animations at once.

But you can open every retargeted animation and make some adjustments by tweakin them. There is little description how to do it.

The animations will not always look like this, you need to set the bones in the “show advance” section of the retarget manager, and might have to change the bone types from animation to skeleton Updated Unreal how to retarget first person arms and third person skeleton correctly - YouTube