Capture camera has major memory leak

Small project. Uses 1.5G ram /3.5G commit when loaded. If I have a capture camera going to a render target and then move any actor, the memory use continually increases. Within 10 steps of dragging, memory use is 10G/20G.

The camera capture component in the blueprint captures every frame. Composite mode is overwrite, but it would seem previous captures are not being disposed.

Using MemReport, the biggest offender is:
Render target memory 2D - STAT_RenderTargetMemory2D - STATGROUP_RHI - STATCAT_Advanced

which makes sense.

I’ve also noticed if I turn off capture every frame and recompile the blueprint, all that extra memory use gets flushed and my project is back to normal memory usage. So it appears to be some kind of buffering or leak.

Hi Justice777,

Apologies for the delay in response time on this. It appears to have gotten lost in the mix.

Can you reproduce this in a blank project or the Content Examples Reflections map? I’m having trouble getting this to occur on my end.

Hey Justice777,

This was reported a couple of days ago and I entered a bug to have it addressed. Follow the link below to view the issue on our public issues tracker.


Once the issue has been addressed by our engineers the ticket will be updated and reflected in the public tracker. Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.
