How can I make my Mesh Data particles collide with world objects?


I’m trying to make my shells comming out of the gun to collide with objects. So i made a Mesh Data type particles. But I dont know which node is responsible for the collisions.

I looked into the standard P_Sparks particle system in UE4 and it seems that the collision nodes are Collision or Collision (Scene Depth).

But I get an error that says “Scene depth collision cannot be used on emitters with an opaque mateial”. This is rather strange that my shells material has sth to do with collisions?

I tried to change my material to sth else than opaque, but still it does not work :confused:

Hi MegaJuzwa -

Here is my breakdown for a Mesh Type Particle System with something like Ballistic collision. You will have to adjust the Initial Velocity and Acceleration to achieve the exact movement of the bullet casings that you want. Initial Velocity acting as the force that the gun ejects the bullet and Acceleration acting as the force of gravity. The Collsion can also be modified so you get the correct number of “bounces” which is Max Collsions, and the correct amount of damping (world friction). Remember though these are particles and will disappear at the end of their lifetime, so if you don’t want you bullets just blinking out of existence, I would set up a Color over life fade to black and then alpha fade out for your particles so that they fade out instead of disappearing. It may not be realistic, but it will be less eye catching then just disappearing.

Hope this helps you out -

Eric Ketchum