Hold a number from Random Float in range

I am attempting to make a simple zombie moving pattern with a Lerp (Vector) point A being the zombies location and point B being a random location around the zombie. The trouble I am having is that the random float fires at a frequent speed and makes the movement jittery. what I need it to do is hold the vector for set amount of time then reset when the action is done. I am thinking that there should be some sort of event node that will do this? also is there a node to increase the likeliness of of certain numbers to show up?

Ok you have a lot going on there and possibly some stuff that is not needed.

Ok from start Sequence node fires off everything attached to it in order so you have a DoN playing your MoveZombie and then you hit it AGAIN in 3 seconds. You could use DoOnce instead but that’s your choice. So during the time you have the timeline playing for the move it is calling the random number to be generated each pulse so basically over and over during that time instead of getting it once which means its constantly changing explaining the movement jitters.

So there are a few routes to go depending on what you would like to do. I will try to give you ideas to implement and you can see what works best for you.

What you could do is make it so you have a bool that checks if he has have reached the new location. Before running the sequence again. Now with this in mind I would make the Random generation a function that outputs the vector and only allow the function to be called again once the bool it true.

You could pass the random number into a separate variable to be referenced and again you would need to still have some sort of check so not change it again until either a certain time has passed or the previous location has been reached.

So in the basic setup you can either have it compare current actor location to the new location and if not equal do not change the new location.

Or if you don’t like the outcome you could put it on a timer not to change it again.

hope this helps. If you need more help with this please post up another screen shot and any others you think may be relevant.

Here is what I came up with so far with your recommendation.

I appropriate the help and am very happy that there are helpful people out there to help noobs like me. I am still learning about all the different nodes and feel that I am missing something on my construct script.

Ok so you know construction script is only going to run once at the beginning and is used mostly to set values to a blueprint during the level creation. Say like you have a health pickup and wanted it to have several but each one gave different amounts of health.

You have the right idea but it should either be as a CUSTOM EVENT in your event graph or a function. Also you could get rid of the sequence and doonce node by using the EVENT On Begin Play instead to initialize the start of movement when the level starts.

it looks a little better new, but the zombies fly to vector 0,0,0 for some reason.
I am going to keep the DoOnce node so I can switch between a wandering and following animation when the player overlaps a zone around the zombie.
but for now I just want the zombies to wander without going crazy.

ok you probably need to initialize the random location first since what it sounds like is that the first spot it sees to move to is 0,0,0. So make the random location generate BEFORE any movement has started.

still cant get it to work. I am going to have to play with this a bit and get back to you if I can get this to work.

see if you can have EventBeginPlay start the random location generation before anything else or in the construction script make it set the initial random value.