How to disable module to build engine?

I only need to import and cook file by using command line, like a File Converter.
So I want to remove other features to reduce engine size.
Is it poossible?

For example, use a .bat to import a .obj or .fbx file to a UE4 None project, and cook it to a specify platform. Finally, copy the cooked .uasset file to a specify folder in my game content, and game will load the .uasset at run time.

例如:我寫一個.bat使用Command Line來導入obj或fbx到一個空的UE4專案裡,然後在烘焙成指定平台的資源。最後把烘焙好的.uasset複製到已建置的遊戲目錄底下特定的資料夾中,然後讓遊戲讀取這個資料夾的資源來使用。