Ambient Occlusion Baking Question

Hi there, i have some questions to the Ambient occlusion baking Workflow. I have searched for this several days but i cannot find anyone explainig this.

So, when i bake my ambient occlusion (World Settings: Use Ambeint occlusion) make the settings needed and press the “Build Lighting Only” Button. Light Build Quality set to Production.

It seems that the AO does not bake. I have made the Lightmap Resolution of my floor mesh to 1024.

I have tested this in a small scene with only a cube and a flor mesh in it, but i cant see the baked ao.

What i am doing.

I create a post process volume, make the settings that i need for my AO. Then i want to bake this in.
I Press Build Lighting. Now i turn off AO in the post process settings and my AO is gone.

I dont want the ao to be computet at runtime, i want it baked in, because the Framerate is too low in VR with computed AO.

Can anyone tell me how i can bake them in without computing tehm at runtime?