Details Window Stuck

Reset Layout and Re-enable window won’t fix it. Tried to delete config, Intermediate, and Saved folder but nothing changed. It just stuck there. Won’t even move. I can resize, maximize, and minimize it. If I clicked at the top-left of the window (At the left of the name column) normal window option appear like close, minimize, etc. But it’s just the same.

Hi varthshenon,

It looks like you hid the tab and currently there isn’t a way to unhide it. It’s been logged as JIRA UE-5044. However, there is a way to reset your layout to fix it. Since that data is stored in the editor and not per project, you have to actually delete the app data content for that engine version.

  • Navigate to: C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine\YourEngineVersion

  • Then delete everything contained in that folder and reopen your project.

If you don’t see the AppData folder listed, you will need to show hidden folders on your system. Here is some info on that.

Let me know if that works for you.



It worked. Thanks.