How to open the Gameplay Debugger

Hi everyone,

This may seem like a stupid question but I cannot open the Gameplay Debugger, I’m on a German Keyboard so I had to adjust the keybindings for the console and the Gameplay Debugger under BasicInput.ini. All is fine with the console, and the bindings work fine, but still my Gameplay Debugger won’t open, even using the command EnableGDT (while looking at my pawn controlled by an AI that holds a perception component, not sure it matters though).

Please help :slight_smile:

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So I managed to fix this by going to Project Settings > Gameplay Debugger > Activation key and defining the input bindings to the key of my liking, make sure you specify a key that’s not being used by something else and you should be fine.

Edit: If you want to change the shortcut to display the console, you need to go to Project Settings → Engine → Input → Console and add a key bind in the array


Do you have an example key? For me it seems everything is not working.

After hitting Play in the Editor, you may need to click in the viewport to allow the Debugger key to work.

Also, some data (like Perception radius) may not show (even using the num-pad menu) until you select an actor during gameplay, like via Play → Eject → select in World Outliner.