Any version of UnrealEngine gets stuck on "Please Wait"

I have been trying for the past 3-5 hours now to get Unreal Engine to install on my PC, but when ever I press the Install, Epic Games Launcher will not install it, or give me a percentage on it’s completion. It still uses up my connection though.

I’ve tried things like using “-http=wininet” or taking down my firewall briefly, but it always sticks with the “Please Wait”

Can someone please please please help me with this, instead of some snarky Staff Member lazing around and just copy and pasting the same non-helpful Paragraph and Link.

Hey -

Just to make sure I understand correctly, you were able to install the Launcher itself and you are now running into an issue trying to install a specific engine version, is that correct? A restart of the launcher may help the launcher get back on track and install the engine version properly (Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games) . If the engine is still not installing after restarting the launcher, please check here for other steps to try if content is not downloading properly in the Launcher (Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games and Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games) .