Multiple servers or Level Streaming in Multiplayer?

Hey guys! We kind of ran into a pickle here with having multiple instanced world parts that are dedicated and owned by specific players that log into a particular server. We have a few options that we looked at to do this. We looked at having designated places in the map that we would place a way point that would handle a streaming level instance. I tried to make many streaming level instances of the same level, but I could not get them to replicate over the network. The regular instances that you have in the levels window and call Load Stream Level in BP, it does then replicate over the network to clients, the issue with this then is that i cant have more than one of that instance streamed in over the network. The other option I was thinking of is to have many different dedicated servers for each instanced part of the world that the player owns and port them over to different server instances that are managed by a separate program that also pulls user data from a database. Any thoughts?

If anyone knows where to learn this, please let us know. I am also interested